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Principal Info

Andrew Jaglall, Principal

Telephone: (905) 697-1777

Email: Andrew Jaglall

School Contacts

School Contacts

Head Secretary: Katherine Caplan
Superintendent:: Jamila Maliha
Trustee(s): Cathy Abraham
  Paul Brown
Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees:

Albatoul Alshraideh

Jillian Thomas

School Council Chairperson(s): Kim Hancock
Bell Schedule
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New Bell Schedule

Office Opens 8:00 AM
Period 1 9:15-9:45 AM
Period 2 9:45-10:35 AM
Period 3 10:35-11:15 AM
Nutrition Break AM 11:15-11:55 AM
Period 4 11:55-12:55 PM
Period 5 12:55-1:35 PM
Nutrition Break PM 1:35-2:15 PM
Period 6 2:15-2:55 PM
Period 7 2:55-3:35 PM
Dismissal 3:35 PM
Vice Principal
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VP1 Info

Vickie Mazzocchi, Vice Principal

Telephone: (905) 697-1777

Email: Vickie Mazzocchi

School Information

School Information

Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM 
Grades: K - 6
School Population: 925

English and Core French

Transitions to: Clarington Central Intermediate




Vice Principal
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VP2 Info

Dawn Graham, Vice Principal

Telephone: (905) 697-1777

Email: Dawn Graham

School Address

School Address

195 Bons Avenue

Bowmanville, ON

L1C 0L3 

School History

School History


Charles Bowman came to Canada early in the 1800's from Scotland. In 1824, he travelled to the area known as Darlington Mills and began to purchase tracts of land and businesses. His involvement in the area was so great, that the name of the area was officially changed to Bowmanville in 1853 and it became one of the most important urban areas in the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Charles Bowman contributed much to Bowmanville, including building a hall for town meetings, donating land and money for the building of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and St. John’s Anglican Church, and encouraging Scottish immigrants to settle in the area. Charles Bowman has left a lasting imprint on our community, and we are proud to honour him with our new school.



Charles Bowman Public School opened to students September 6th, 2011. An addition opened in September 2015 adding 7 new classrooms for students.  Charles Bowman is situated in the northern area of Bowmanville. Several new housing developments surround the school, with multiple new homes being erected in the area. This will add to the school population in the coming years. The school is an all brick two-storey building with 30 classrooms (9 of which are Kindergarten rooms), 8 portables, seminar/work rooms, a large library, and a 30 piece computer lab. All of the classrooms and the library are equipped with SMART-Boards and iPads and Chromebooks are utilized regularly with students. The large gymnasium has glass backboards, an attached sound system, a retractable stage, and an electronic curtain that can be lowered to divide the space in half. The grounds consist of a soccer field adjacent to a large paved area with painted games on the asphalt with a full basketball court. There is a fenced and bricked in kindergarten pen skirted by the “Kiss and Ride” drop off area and parking lot.

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